perjantai 23. marraskuuta 2007

Collection of Poems [English]

Enkunkielisiä loppusoinuttomia runoja ^^


It’s last day of autumn.
All the leaves had fall.
I can feel cold and fresh air,
See all the colours.
I should be happy,
cause Its so beautiful.
But I’m not.

It hurts.
See the autumn Turn to Winter
.See everything dying.
Life rolling in front of us
And feel so weak
Cause we cant stop it.
Turn it back.

Then you come.
You notice tears on my face.
You sit next to me,
Hug me.
Ask what’s wrong.
But I cant tell
Cause no one would never understand.

Youre quiet for a moment
Then you whisper it
One single sentence
Still, It warms me up
Give new hope again.

Becouse I belive, when you say
“Everything will be okay”

Strong Word.

How can I know
You’ll not let me down?

Or is it even important,
Cause we all will still die

After all we all are only humans.

Mirror is my enemy

You make me hurt
You make me lie
You make me cry

Still I need keep going
Until I finally catch it

Mirror is my enemy.

I can see you
All the sorrow in your eyesI
can hear you
All the pain in your voice

Please, speak to me
Tell me whats wrong
Cause it hurts
To see you so down

And if I can do nothing
I'll just hug you
Be quiet and listen
Be there for you

Please, cry all your pain away.


People please.
Listen to yourself
And think what you say

Is it so bad
If somebody likes writing
Is it so bad
To write diary and tales?

Is it so bad
If someone care about world
Why you tease them
Who have lots of opinioms?

Does it hurt you
If someone dresses wierd
Lives in a world of books an music
Does strange things
Has colourful friends

Does it hurt you
If they dont see things like you
If they dont even want?

Why cant ou let us just be Different?


Autumn: Tällä ei ole mitään erityistä "tarinaa" :D Kunhan kirjoitin. Pidän tästä.
There's no any kinda "Story". Think I like this one ^^
Strong Word: Tämä on hiukan.. Noh, outo. Tuli jostakin pimeän mieleni perukoilta...
Very odd. This came somewhere of my little sick mind..
Mirror is my enemy: Tämä on vain pätkä hiukan pidemmästä runosta, mutta se on oikeastaan parempi näin. Syömishäiriöitä ajatellen.
A part of bit longer poem, but this works better anyway. About eating disorders.
Comforting: Ystävälleni Moonylle <3 Pidän tästä runosta...
To my Friend, Moony <3
Different: Okei. Minä en ymmärrä ihmisiä, jotka luulevat, että heillä on oikeus pilkata muita, sen takia, että he ovat hiukan omalaatuisia. Persoonallisia, outoja. Erillaisia. Minulla on valitettavasti henk. koht. kokemusta. Ylensä en välitä siitä. Mutta joskus... Noh, menee hermot :)
This is about my own feelings. I know what its like, when people tease U, becouse You are what you are. Normally I dont care. Sometimes... I can stand it.


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