lauantai 1. joulukuuta 2007

Tears [Ficlet, English]

Author: Stargazer
Characters: Remus, Sirius
Ship: Tulkinnan varainen S/R
Genre: Angst (?)
Raiting: S

Summary: Tajunnanvirtaangstia. Kynä paperilla, tälläistä syntyy.
Pen to paper. That's what it makes.

It's all acting. He's laughing, making jokes all the time. But It's just a mask. The mask I see trough.
He's so broken. No one can't come , take all the small pieces and put them together again.
He's down and hurt but doesn't want to show it. He thinks no one knows. But I do.
I have seen him. How he stays awake during nights. He looks so little and hopeless when He's alone.
I hate it.
I hate it, becouse I can't do anything.

"Moony" I hear a small voice. It wakes me up. First I see only strong light. I know the voice. it's Him.
I'm starting to ask, what on earht he's doing. Why he's waking me up this time of night? But then I see his face. His eyes. They're filled with fear and sorrow. I rise to sit.
"Come here." I whisper. He sits next to me. I wrap my arms around him.
"What's wrong?" I ask quietly. He's quiet for a while.
"I don't know." Then he breaks down to the tears.

I hug him. Here's no words to say. I know any words can't make him feel better right now. Sometimes there's no need to words. All you need to do is be quiet.

Crying makes soul clean. It makes burden easier to carry.
But you need someone to wipe your tears away too.


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